Ring Tongue Type Terminal Ends

Ring Tongue Type Terminal Ends

These are manufactured by using progressive tools. They are manufactured from high conductivity copper & are electro-tinned for corrosion-resistance. Ring tongue type terminal ends are available in different size, to serve the different jointing techniques such as crimping & soldering.

Crimping Type Ring Tongue Terminal Ends 0.75 - 250 mm²
Crimping Type Ring Tongue Terminal Ends (Insulated) 0.75 - 70 mm²
Crimping Type Copper Ring Tongue Terminal Ends(Insulated with Metal Reinforcement) 0.75 - 16mm²
Open Close Type Soldering Cable Socket 1.5 - 625 mm²
Crimping Type Copper Ring Tongue "U" Cut Terminal Ends 1.5 - 16mm²
Crimping Type Copper Ring Tongue "U" CutTerminal Ends(Insulated) 1.5 - 16mm²
Crimping Type Copper Ring Tongue "U" Cut Terminal Ends(Insulated with Metal Reinforcement) 1.5 - 16mm²
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